Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Cree Myth

The Cree The Rabbit And The Fire

The Cree are also known as the Rabbit People. This is so because the Cree hold the rabbit in high standards. The reason for this is told in the myth “How Rabbit Brought Fire To The People.” This myth shows how Rabbit helped save the Cree’s civilization.

In the beginning there was no fire. The Cree lived in darkness with nothing to cook their food or keep them warm. Till one day the Thunderbirds sent lightning to a sycamore tree located on Weasel Island. This gave the Cree hope, but the Weasels were selfish and did not share. So the Cree called a council, inviting all animals that cold swim, to make a solution.

As soon as everyone was gathered the Cree explained that they needed some of the fire in order for their people to strive. The dilemma was that they could not swim to the other side, and for this reason they were asking the animals for help. Even though the animals wished to help they would not go because the Weasels were evil creatures that they feared. That was when Rabbit chimed in and said that he did not fear the Weasels and that he would go and retrieve the fire.

While Rabbit was preparing to leave he came across some pine tar. With an idea forming in his head Rabbit took the pine tar and rubbed it on his ears. Then he immediately left for the Weasels Island. Upon arriving at the island, Rabbit was greeted with cheers. The Weasels knew that Rabbit was well known for his dancing skills and asked him to join them.

The Weasels dance consisted of dancing around and bowing to the fire. So when Rabbit went to go bow to the fire he leaned his ears very close to the fire and as a result the pine tar caught fire. Once his ears were aflame Rabbit sprinted towards the water. The Weasels pursued but Rabbit was to fast. The Weasels were infuriated and called upon the Thunderbirds to make it rain. The Thunderbirds answered by making it rain for three days straight, ensuring that Rabbit did not escape with the fire.

What the Weasels did not know was that during the rain Rabbit hid in a tree and did not emerge till it stopped. Rabbit then returned to the Cree and presented them with the fire. The Cree were eternally grateful to Rabbit and gave him many praises. From then on the Cree lived happily with the fire and never once forgot Rabbit’s brave deed.

Welker, Glen. “How Rabbit Brought Fire To the People.” Indigenous Peoples’ Literature. 1996. 6 November 2008. http://www.indigenouspeople.net/howrabbi.htm.