Friday, October 24, 2008

Myth definitions

Myths are support for religious beliefs, explanations, ideas, and desires. An example of a myth is the story of Pyramus and Thisbe.

A hero is a founder of something new, such as a new age, or a new religion. Heroes are models of human society. An example of a hero is Atalanta.

The hero journey is the roads of trials, battles and obstacles a hero must go through. These include the ultimate battle, the transformation, and the boon. An example of a hero journey is Hercules and his 12 trials.

Being universal is having a trait that everyman can relate to and is known throughout the world.

An archetype is an original model after which other similar things are patterned. An example of an archetype is the creation stories of the world because they are the original stories that others are modeled after.

Duality is the quality of opposites existing in a whole. An example of Duality is Yin and Yang, having good and evil coexisting together.

Creation is the product of invention or imagination. An example of creation is Pan Gu being born from and egg and when he dies his body parts become mountains, wind, rain, and other elements that exist on our earth.

Life from death is the creation of life from death. An example of life from death is that in order for humans to live we must hunt animals for food.

A matriarchal is a sovereign government in which women rule and reign is passed down from mother to daughter. An example of matriarchal is the Egyptian ruler Isis.

A patriarchal is a sovereign government in which men rule and reign is passed down form father to son. An example of patriarchal is Zeus being the supreme ruler of the gods.

A sacrifice is giving up something for the benefit of others. An example of a sacrifice is the Sacred King being sacrificed in order to promote fertility throughout the land.

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